Capacitor charger.

High power lasers with short pulses in the UV wavelength range.

The challenge

Our customer has developed a new excimer laser which is able to remove the OLED layer from a glass substrate in such a way that high-resolution and flexible displays can be produced.

For this laser a special capacitor charger had to be developed.

Our solution

With the help of our development partner Lumina Power from the USA, we succeeded in creating a capacitor charger that reliably ensures the high-power stable operation of our customer's excimer laser.


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  • voltage repetition accuracy of 0,01 & at clock frequencies
    in the kHz range = 1 V charging difference at several kV
  • high power HV source
  • AC input models up to 20 kJ/s and higher
  • high voltage capacitor charger up to 15 kV
  • voltage repeatability < 0,5 % standard
Schulz-Electronic – Success Story – Kondensatorlader Rack

Your sector, your requirements– our solution

Benefit from our extensive experience gained in many projects in the areas of automotive, laser, solar, rail, industry, aerospace, and research and development.

Your especial advantage: As with all our customers, we cooperate closely with you in finding the solution. This is the only effective way to ensure that our solution reflects your requirements exactly.

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Tel. +49.7223.9636.0

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